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An inter-agency approach to safeguarding men and women in high risk domestic abuse situations

What is a MARAC?

A Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) is a monthly, local meeting where information about high risk domestic abuse victims (those at risk of murder or serious harm) is shared between local agencies. By bringing all agencies together at a MARAC, and ensuring that whenever possible the voice of the victim is represented by the Independent Domestic Abuse Advocate (IDAA), a risk- focused, co-ordinated safety plan can be drawn up to support the victim.

This video developed by Safelives explains why MARACs were set up, how they help high risk victims of domestic abuse and what types of professionals are expected to attend.

Shetland MARAC service

MARAC is provided for Shetland through the Highlands And Islands MARAC service. To make a referral into the MARAC process, please use online referral link:


Risk Identification Checklist (RIC)

A Guide to MARAC (for victims)

MARAC - A Practitioners Guide

Information Sharing Without Consent Form

Over 100 cases of domestic abuse take place in Shetland every year. There were 64,807 cases recorded in Scotland from 2021-22 - where gender information was recorded every 4 in 5 incidents of domestic abuse involved a female victim and a male suspected perpetrator. Domestic Abuse affects people across our community regardless of sex, race, age, religion, sexuality, income or lifestyle.