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Helping Community Groups to look after and support children, young people and adults

It’s everyone’s responsibility to keep children, young people and adults safe.

This page provides information and sample documents for you as a community group to use to help you meet the Scottish Government Framework for Standards, the legal requirements of the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007 and to achieve best practice for those who provide activities, care for, or work with children, young people or adults.

Child and Adult Protection

Regulated Work and the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme

  • Information and how to apply to PVG scheme

    In February 2011, the Scottish Government introduced the PVG membership scheme for people who work with vulnerable groups. The Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme (PVG Scheme), delivers on the provisions outlined in the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG) (Scotland) Act 2007.

    Your group/organisation will need to decide whether you have anyone involved in "Regulated Work" with children (and/or protected adults). If your organisation has individuals involved in Regulated Work then those individuals will need to apply to become a member of the PVG Scheme.

    The Scottish Government and Disclosure Scotland will continue to adminster the PVG membership scheme and they have produced online training materials and resources to provide guidance on the PVG scheme. For more information visit Disclosure Scotland.

    Volunteer Scotland process PVG checks for free and can also provide information about PVG Scheme and who may require a PVG Check for Voluntary Groups.

    If your club is a member of a National Governing Body, PVG Applications can be processed through them.

Shetland Islands Council - Grant Aid

  • Grant assistance information

    Any organisation seeking financial assistance from grant aid schemes administered by the Shetland Islands Council must comply with the requirements of the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007 if they provide services, activities or projects for children, young people and/or protected adults. Community groups must have in place the following documents; Child and Adult Protection Policy Statement, Child and Adult Protection Procedures, Code of Conduct for Groups Working with Children and Equal Opportunities Policy (including Recruitment of ex-Offenders Policy).

    If you have any queries at all about applications for grant assistance from the Council's Development Services Department, please contact:

    Details of grant schemes administered by the Development Services Department are available on the Shetland Islands Council's Grant Aid pages

Risk Assessments, Travel Checklists and Enrolment

  • Risk Assessments

    Risk assessments should be undertaken by your group to identify any hazards that may pose a risk to you, the children and any volunteers or helpers in your group. Action should be taken to remove the risk, or where this is not possible, to minimise that risk. There may be numerous hazards associated with the types of activities or facilities you use including equipment, fire, heating, lighting etc. It is good practice to identify these hazards and to identify who is at risk, what existing measures you are taking to minimise these and any additional precautions that can be taken. It is important that staff, volunteers and helpers are aware of this assessment and that as a group you continue to identify any further risks that may arise.
    Your group should have some means of recording the action you have taken in relation to risk assessments, below is a sample template document.
    Risk Assessment Record Sheet (pdf, 76kb)

  • Travel Checklists (In Shetland and Outwith Shetland)

    When arranging trips for young people or vulnerable groups it is important that all safety issues are taken into account, consent forms completed and the adults who are involved in supporting and supervising the children or vulnerable group whilst they are away have been PVG checked.
    A travel checklist has been developed to assist your group in identifying the issues that you will need to take into account.

    Travel Checklist (pdf, 70kb)

    Shetland Islands Council Trips Away Guidelines and Policy

    Children1st - Trips Away including Overnight - Children 1st information for sports trips but could be relevant to any group

    NSPCC Safer Activities and Events - Every group or organisation has a duty to safeguard children and young people in their care. This includes making sure that all children who attend your events and activities are kept safe, whether they are regular or one-off.

  • Child/Vulnerable Adult Enrolment to Community Groups

    It is good practice to have an enrolment form for the children or vulnerable adults who join your group. This enables you to identify emergency contact numbers and any information that is relevant to them. Sample Enrolment Form.

The Framework for Standards

Local Sources of Advice

Voluntary Action Shetland

Supporting Local Community and Voluntary Action

Phone: Website: https://www.voluntaryactionshetland.com/Email: [email protected]Address: Market House
14 Market Street
Shetland Family Centre

The Shetland Family Centre provides a wide range of services using a multi-agency approach.

Phone: Website: https://www.shetland.gov.uk/family-support/shetland-family-centreEmail: [email protected]Address: 28 Burgh Road
Community Work (Shetland Islands Council)

Community Work supports people to develop the skills, understanding and confidence to get involved in their community.

Open the link to find the contact for your area.

Sports Development and Club Sport

Sports Development can support in accessing funding opportunities, coach education, training opportunities, governance and supporting individual athletes to achieve their potential.

Phone: Website: https://www.shetland.gov.uk/sport-leisure/sports-development-club-sport/1Email: [email protected]Address: Sport and Leisure Service
Hayfield House
Hayfield Lane