Shetland Violence Against Women Partnership
Shetland Violence Against Women Partnership (SVAWP) formerly Shetland Domestic Abuse Partnership (SDAP) is a multi-agency partnership working together to tackle and address Domestic Abuse and Gender Based Violence throughout the isles by:
Developing and implementing the Shetland Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence Strategy 2018-2024
Providing a forum for information / best practice sharing and service coordination across Shetland
Keeping abreast of national strategies and initiatives and applying them to the local situation
Organising training for people working in the field of Domestic Abuse and Gender Based Violence
Raising awareness of Domestic Abuse and Gender Based Violence and what can be done to prevent it
Partner Organisations
Current members of Shetland Violence Against Women Partnership:
- Shetland Women's Aid
- NHS Shetland
- Police Scotland
- The Compass Centre (formerly Rape Crisis Shetland)
- Hjaltland Housing Association
- UHI Shetland
- Shetland Public Protection
- SIC -Adult Social Work
- SIC-Children's Social Work
- SIC Housing
- SIC Criminal Justice Social Work
- SIC Children's Services
- Space to Face Shetland - restorative practices organisation
Domestic Violence and abuse can affect anyone, both women and men regardless of their age or where they are from. It is essential that professionals who may encounter victims of domestic violence as part of their professional work have an understanding of the dynamics, and of the options available to practitioners and victims to deal with this issue. If you are a professional and would like more information about services in Shetland please email [email protected]
Over 100 cases of domestic abuse take place in Shetland every year. There were 64,807 cases recorded in Scotland from 2021-22 - where gender information was recorded every 4 in 5 incidents of domestic abuse involved a female victim and a male suspected perpetrator. Domestic Abuse affects people across our community regardless of sex, race, age, religion, sexuality, income or lifestyle.