Safer Shetland is an alliance of the Shetland Public Protection Committee (incorporating both Adult and Child Protection) and Shetland Domestic Abuse Partnership. It is led by the chief officers - Chief Executive of NHS Shetland, Chief Executive of Shetland Islands Council and the Chief Inspector of Shetland Area Command, Police Scotland.
All these organisations are made up of representatives from NHS Shetland, Shetland Islands Council, Voluntary Action Shetland, Police Scotland, Scottish Childrens Reporters Administration, Shetland Children's Panel, Scottish Fire & Rescue, and the Crown Office.
Although the Committees work separately and are constituted under different legislation and guidance they have similar aims.
- To promote public understanding through publicity and awareness raising.
- To let people know where they can find advice, guidance and assistance for themselves or for a child or adult they are worried about.
- To provide training and support to staff in all agencies working in Shetland.
- To provide guidance and procedures in line with national guidance to support practice.
- To quality assure work that agencies do to protect adults and children.
- To help agencies work together effectively both at a strategic level and on a day to day basis in their work with adults, children and families.
For further information please see the appropriate section of the website: